Losing The Will To Live

Tony Nicklinson died this week. Tragic. Just as tragic was the courts denying his right to choose the where, when and how of his death.

Picture of Tony Nicklinson

Tony Nicklinson

Tony had locked-in syndrome. His quality of life was so diminished that he wanted to go. He didn’t want his family to have to take him to Switzerland. He couldn’t see why, in a civilised society, he couldn’t exercise choice.

It wasn’t an impulse thing. He’d been sure about his choice for 6 years. But it turns out a grown-up of sound mind can’t make these choices. Only people in wigs are allowed.

By all accounts, after the ruling came through, he lost the fight in all ways. Or did he? I suspect he made the bravest of last stands, refusing sustenance to help him on his onward journey.

For those of still able to make personal choices, I really urge, take out an Advance Decision (Advance Directive in Scotland). It gives you some ability to leave instructions and preferences about medical treatment. It’s the closest you get to being in control at a time when you might not otherwise be. Fill it in, print it out, deposit a copy with your GP. Take control.

Barbara @ Final Fling